Great, ANOTHER software consulting shop…
Let me guess, a couple of over confident, well dressed clowns, who have never actually written a line of software, want to chat with the CFO to recontextulize, the existing siloed thinking, in order to synergize, the net-net and present the datification of our robust learnings. Well guess what, we don’t like those guys either, in fact, we use to WORK for those guys (and we have no idea what any of the italics means and neither do they) Yep, that was us, the two geeks in the ill fitting shirt and pleaded pants, sitting in the chairs against the wall, away from the adult table, squirming whilst one of aforementioned clowns promised functionality NASA couldn’t deliver, never mind us.
nimBOLD is a team who watched first hand, technical project anti patterns cause pain and failure, stopped squirming and left to DO something about it.
- We value individuals and personal interactions OVER process and tools. This means talking to everyone from C level to the guy in the cubicle who will actually USE the product we build.
- We value working software OVER documentation. This means not opening PowerPoint (and building the 183 page boring deck) and deliver an initial (albeit not complete) product, allowing a user to begin using the tool.
- We value collaboration OVER contract. This means STOP hiding behind a change order and START having a conversation.
- We value change OVER rigorous adherence to a plan. This means accepting that the sun will rise, the earth is round, water is wet AND a project will change.
If the above values, sound familiar… read our next blog post Actually even if these values don’t sound familiar, you HAVE to keep reading…